1- Abandon(v)=desert,leave withuot planning to come back= رها کردن ،ترک گفتن،تبعید کردن،واگذار کردن
Example:when Roy abandoned his family,the police went looking for him.
2-Keen(adj)= sharp,eager,sensitive=تیز،مشتاق،فشرده،حساس
Example:My dog has a keen sense of smell.
3-Jealous(adj)=afraid that the one you love might prefer someone else, wanting what some one else has=حسود،غیور
Example:A detective was hired by the jealous widow to find the boyfriend who had abandoned her.
4-Tact(n)=ability to say the right thing=مهارت،نزاکت،کاردانی،ملاحضه
Example:My aunt never hurts anyone,s feeling because she always uses tact.