Prunus avium
Family: Rosaceae
& storage
Cherry: small soft round fruit, red or black when
ripe, containing a stone.
Cherries always have to
be picked ripe. They do not ripe well after they have been picked. You can keep
cherries for one to three days.
Tree / shrub
The cherry tree grows upto 9
Short histotory
Cherries are native in
Cherries taste best consumed "warm" from the
tree. Often jelly is made because they can't be stored. Cherries can be frozen
but you better remove the stones first.
Types and
There are
red, black and yellow cherries.
Other peculiar
-Thick-skinned round fruit which, when ripe, has a reddish centre full of large juicy seeds.
-This fruit is sold yellow-red and is ripe when it is red-brown.
-You can keep it several weeks at room-temperature or in the refrigerator.
-Watch out for stains, they are hard to remove.
-Grenadine is made out of pomegranates.
-The most delicious type of pomegranate comes from Iraq.
-Contains much vitamin C, B and much iron.
-Small oval fruits with a thin brown skin, soft green flesh and black seeds.
-Kiwis are originally from China and were improved in New Zealand
-Kiwis contain a protein-splitting enzyme. Other fruit that contains this enzyme are fresh papaya, pineapple and babaco. This substance makes the fruit easy to digest and fried together with meat it makes it more tender. If you put this fruit in dairy products it will make them watery. If the fruit is cooked like all canned and other processed fruit this enzyme is no longer active.
-Kiwis are a subtropical and not a tropical fruit. Therefore it is best to store them in the fridge.
-To make them ripe faster you can keep them in a closed plastic bag together with an apple, pear or banana. These fruits excrete ethylene gas which fastens the riping of kiwis and avocadoes.
Musa acuminata Colla; Musa
balbisiana Colla; Musa x paradisiaca L.
Family of Musaceae.
& storage
Long thick-skinned edible fruit that is yellow when
Keep bananas on a fruit dish in the living room at
room temperature. If you want the bananas to ripen faster place the bowl in the
sun. Like other tropical fruits and tomatoes and bell peppers, never store
bananas in the refrigerator. Below 8 degrees Celsius the fruit will decay from
the inside. These fruits will not ripen but will turn black in the
Banana-plants can grow up to 15 m. but most
plants vary from 3 to 9 m.
It has very big leafs that can grow to 4 x 1 m.
Short history
Wild forms of the banana plant come
originally from the Indo-Malaysian area and are now cultivated all over the
tropical and sub-tropical continents.
Bananas are delicious eaten with one's
fingers after peeling off the skin. Depending on the type of banana unripe
bananas are also cooked, fried or deep-fried a lot. Bananas are the basic food
in many tropical countries.
At this moment there are
five different types of bananas common on the market:
-Red bananas: have a green/red peel and pink fruit flesh. They taste the same like yellow bananas. The redder a fruit, the more carotene it contains, so maybe they are healthier than their yellow colleagues;
-Fruit-bananas: are the normal, yellow bananas, 15-30 cm.
-Apple-bananas: are smaller, 8-10 cm., and ripen faster. They are also yellow;
-The baby-banana (pisang susa): is yellow as well and measures 6-8 cm. It is the sweetest of the banana family;
-Baking bananas: are 30 to 40 cm. large and are green, yellow or red-like. They cannot be eaten raw. They fulfill the role of the potato in the tropical countries.
Peculiar characteristics
-Is the most well known and eaten (tropical) fruit;
-In Eastern Africa you can buy banana beer. This beer is brewed from bananas;
-Tropical fruit is usually picked unripe and has to ripen in the land of arrival. To make this process go faster bananas are treated with ethylene-gas. Normal bananas also ripen through ethylene -gas but exposing it to additional gas accelerates the process;
-Is the (only) fruit that for some people can work fatting because they contain a lot of starch (more starch than sugar). Those people shouldn't eat too many bananas a day;
-Eat at least one banana a day, they are said to contain everything a human needs and they contain all the 8 amino-acids our body cannot produce itself. For more see the energy in fruit.
-Bananas are a good source of fiber, potassium and vitamin C;
-Red bananas are often dried and converted to meal which is used in many ways;
-Red bananas contain more vitamin C as yellow bananas (the redder a fruit, the more nutritious elements it contains);
Pyrus communis
Family: Rosaceae
& storage
Pear: sweet juicy yellow or green fruit with a
rounded shape that becomes narrower towards the stalk.
Pears are picked
when they are almost ripe. The fruit has to come off if you lift the fruit
The late races can be kept for months at a dark
Pears ripen best at room temperature. If you want
too keep them a few days you have to keep them in a dark and cold
A pear tree can grow upto 20 m. high.
Therefore most pears are grafted on a quince stem so they stay
Short histotory
Pears are original from Europe and
Asia. The first cultivated races were selected from the wild varieties in the
prehistoric ages. The Romans knew in the beginning 6 cultivated sorts and later
mention 56 races. A late medieval Italian list mentions 232
1640 in England only 60 varieties were known. In 1842 more than
In 1860 the
American author T.W. Fields mentions 850 races.
This fast increase of pear cultivars during
the late 18th century can be ascribed to a few French and Belgian
Types and family
A quince is a pear
like fruit that only can be eaten cooked. The dictionary describes it as the
following - a nice smelling fruit that grows on trees that grow upto 6 m.
Quinces are a very old fruittype that are originally from Persia.
Quinces are not consumed raw but are used for Marmelo which is stil very popular
in Spain and Portugal. This marmelo has been the example for the marmelade we
make out of citrusfruit today.
Normal pears are mostly eaten raw and taste
great in desserts, the small cooking pears are always cooked and eaten as a
vegetable or dessert and quinces are mostly processed to a kind of
Other peculiar characteristics
-Pears contain much kalium and riboflavine;
-Pears are good for the skin and contain plenty of fibers;
- have fresh ripe pears as a side dish with dinner.
- Vanilla ice-cream with pears, chocolate sauce and