آموزش روز های هفته برای کودکان+فایل صوتی
پنجشنبه 30 شهریورماه سال 1391 21:36
There are seven days , there are 7 days There are 7 days in a week Sunday, Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday , Thursday , Friday Saturday Sunday, Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday , Thursday , Friday Saturday There are seven days , there are 7 days There are 7 days in a week There are seven days , there are 7 days There are 7...
ادامه دهید...
جمعه 24 شهریورماه سال 1391 18:12
جمله زیر را ادامه دهید.... If you choose between two evils,... اگر خواستی بین دو بد یکی را انتخاب کنی، ...
نقش آموزش زبان دوم بر آینده کودکان
جمعه 3 شهریورماه سال 1391 17:46
والدین، همیشه نگران آینده فرزندان خود هستند. شایسته است بدانیم که آینده کودکان را میتوانیم از بدو تولد، مشخص و تضمین کنیم. سالهای زیادی است که دانشمندان و محققان در دیگر کشورهای جهان، اهمیت آموزش خواندن را از زمان تولد، به والدین یادآوری میکنند. در ایران نیز حدود چهار سال است که والدین و مسوولان، به این روش، توجه...
تست شخصیت2-personality quiz
جمعه 27 مردادماه سال 1391 14:07
Are you open-minded??? 1-Most of your friends are..... a-the same as you b-very different from you c-the same in something and different in others. 2-Do you ever criticize a friend when he or she is not around?? a-often b-rarely c-sometimes 3-How do you feel when you are in a place where the customs are very different...
مغز دستور زبان یا بی کار????
جمعه 27 مردادماه سال 1391 01:26
here's a sentence with a very nice property, i.e. the second word has 2 letters, the fourth word has four letters and so on, the twentieth word has 20 letters ! the writer should be super wise ! or an idle I do not know where family doctors acquired illegibly perplexing handwriting nevertheless, extraordinary...
آموزش اعداد انگلیسی برای کودکان
پنجشنبه 26 مردادماه سال 1391 18:04
آموزش حروف انگلیسی برای کودکان
پنجشنبه 26 مردادماه سال 1391 17:58
چرا عدد1, یک نامگذاری شده و عدد 2 ,دو ...
پنجشنبه 26 مردادماه سال 1391 14:10
هر عدد به تعداد زاویه اش نامگذاری شده : مثلا عدد 1 یک زاویه دارد. عدد 2 دو زاویه دارد. عدد 3 سه زاویه و الا آخر . عدد 0 هم که زاویه ای ندارد-.
سهشنبه 17 مردادماه سال 1391 13:18
ترجمه دو متن به درخواست داریوش عزیز: سیگار بهانه است و من باز عمیق تر پک میزنم تا خاکستر کنم روز ها ی بر باد رفته ام را ! Cigar is an excuse and i puff deeper again until i incinerate my lost days. . . . Just one last dance Before we say goodbye When we sway and turn round and round and round It,s like the first time...
علائم جاده ها (Road signs)
دوشنبه 16 مردادماه سال 1391 20:23
1-No entry 2-No U-turn 3-No left U-turn 4-No left turn 5-No right turn 6-Two-way traffic 7-Closed to trucks 8-Closed to bicycles 9-No parking 10-No honking 11-No stopping-No parking 12-Speed limit 13-No pedestrians 14-No Left Turn nor U-turn 15-No right turn nor right U-turn 16-No overtaking
تست شخصیت-Personality test 1
شنبه 31 تیرماه سال 1391 23:22
Questions: 1-How do you eat? a-I usually eat slowly. b-I usually eat quickly. 2-How do you do your homework? a-I usually do carefully. b-I usually do it quickly. 3-Is your bedroom clean or messy? a-It is usually clean. b-It is usually messy. 4-How do you write? a-I usually write slowly and carefully. b-I usually write...
Feeling(انواع حس ها-احساسات)
جمعه 30 تیرماه سال 1391 18:18
1-Sick 2-Angry 3-bored 4-Sad 5-Thirsty 6-Excited 7-Sleepy 8-Dizzy 9-Surprised 10-Hungry 11-Hot 12-Cold 13-Relaxed 14-Stressed out 15-Afraid
پنجشنبه 22 تیرماه سال 1391 18:24
1-Lion 2-Giraffe 3-Polar bear 4-Koala 5-Elephant 6-Cat 7-Dog 8-Rabbit 9-Spider 10-Cow 11-Snake 12-Crow 13-Mouse 14-Horse 15-Gorilla 16-Hummingbird 17-Camel 18-Cougars 19-Buffalo 20-Seals 21-Turtles 22-Flamingo 23-Meerkat 24-Raccoon 25-Duck 26-Gazell 27-Donkey 28-Monkey 29-Pig 30-Sheep 31-Kangaroo 32-penguin 33-Hen...
لباس ها (clothes)
پنجشنبه 22 تیرماه سال 1391 15:53
1-Socks 2-Skirt 3-T-shirt 4-Shirt 5-Cowboy hat 6-Dress 7-Gloves 8-Hat 9-Pullover 10-Tie 11-Underwear 12-Snow boot 13-Sneakers 14-Pajamas 15-Winter coat 16-Cowboy Boots 17-Pants Good luck
stationery(لوازم التحریر)
چهارشنبه 21 تیرماه سال 1391 20:42
1-Pen 2-Pencil 3-Pencil case 4-Eraser 5-Ruler 6-Pencil sharpener 7-Calculator 8-Glue 9-Scissors 10-protractor 11-Compasses 12-Paper clip 13-Crayon 14-Chalk 15-Notebook 16-Stapler
ورزش ها (Sports)
پنجشنبه 8 تیرماه سال 1391 15:24
1-Volleyball 2-Karate 3-Tennis 4-Basketball 5-Boxing 6-Swimming 7-Badminton 8-Bowling 9-Gymnastics 10-Golf 11-Archery 12-Wrestling 13-Football 14-Ice hockey 15-Running 16-Polo 17-cycling
درک مطلب-2
دوشنبه 5 تیرماه سال 1391 14:06
Peter was eight and half years old,and he went to a school near his house.He always went there and came home on foot, and he usually got back on time,but last Friday he came home from school late.His mother was in the kitchen,and she saw him and said to him,:why are you late today Peter? Peter:My teacher was angry and...
سازها(Musical Instruments)
شنبه 3 تیرماه سال 1391 23:50
1-Cello 2-Trumpet 3-Tuba 4-Flute 5-Drum 6-Guitar 7-Harp 8-Violin 9-Cymbals 10-French horn 11-Piano
درک مطلب-۱
شنبه 3 تیرماه سال 1391 23:33
A rich man and hs wife went into a shop to buy a bracelet. neither of them was very young. They looked at a lot of beautiful bracelets , and after half an hour there were two wich they liked very much, but they had not yet been able to choose between them. one of them was very expensive, and the other was quiet a lot...
انواع هوا (Weathers)
شنبه 3 تیرماه سال 1391 01:41
1-Sunny 2-Windy 3-Snowy 4-Rainy 5-Cloudy 6-Windy 7-Cold 8-Hot 9-Rainbow 10-Stormy 11-Foggy 12-Warm
غذا ها (foods)
جمعه 2 تیرماه سال 1391 23:15
1-Pizza 2-Spaghetti 3-Hamburger 4-French fries 5-Hot dog 6-Salad 7-Rice 8-Egg 9-Cheese 10-Sandwich 11-Chicken 12-Yogurt 13-Bread 14-Butter 15-sausage 16-Pancake 17-Soup 18-Sushi 19-Steak 20-Fish
جمعه 2 تیرماه سال 1391 16:35
- برای نشان دادن نسبت مالکیت چیزی به انسان از علامت s ᾿ استفاده می کنیم. مثال:Sara ᾿ s bag is beautiful. - برای نشان دادن مالکیت بین دو اسم غیر انسا از of بین دو اسم استفاده می کنیم. مثال: The roof of the house is white. صفات ملکی: قبل از اسم قرار می گیرند. صفات ملکی عبارتند از: I=My You=Your She=Her He=His THey=Their...
قابل شمارش ها و غیر قابل شمارش(How much-How many)
جمعه 2 تیرماه سال 1391 16:07
How much :به معنای چقدر و یا چه مقدار می باشد و برای سوال کردن درباره اجسام غیر قابل شمارش به کار برده میشود. مثال:How much rice is there? There is a little rice. A little : به معنای مقدار کمی می باشد و همیشه برای اسامی غیر قابل شمارش به کار میرود. Much : به معنای مقدار زیاد می باشد و برای اسامی غیر قابل شمارش به کار...
وسایل حمام(Bathroom)
جمعه 2 تیرماه سال 1391 14:24
1-Toothbrush 2-Toothpaste 3-Shampoo 4-Soap 5-Towel 6-Lotion 7-Bathtub 8-Shower 9-Toilet paper 10-Toilet 11-Wastebasket 12-Bath mat
ضرب المثل-۲
سهشنبه 30 خردادماه سال 1391 15:59
1-In unity there is strength(یه دست صدا نداره) 2-A man is known by the company he keeps(بگو دوستت کیه تا بگم کی هستی) 3-from the cradle to grave(ز گهواره تا گور دانش بجوی) 4-easy come, easy go(باد آورده را باد می برد) 5-a liar ought to have a good memory(دروغگو کم حافظه است) 6-outstay ones welcome(کنگر خوردن و لنگر...
وسایل اتاق خواب(Bed room)
سهشنبه 30 خردادماه سال 1391 01:30
1-Toy box 2-Dresser 3-Mirror 4-Bed 5-Curtains 6-Pillow 7-Blanket 8-Closet 9-Rug 10-Lamp 11-Clock
وسایل آشبزخانه(Kitchen)
سهشنبه 30 خردادماه سال 1391 01:10
1-Toaster 2-Refrigerator 3-Sink 4-Pot 5-Pan 6-Teakettle 7-Stove 8-Bowl 9-Dishwasher 10-Glass 11-Cup 12-Fork 13-Plate 14-Spoon 15-Knife
ضرب المثل-۱
دوشنبه 29 خردادماه سال 1391 15:29
1- Birds of a feather flock together.(کبوتر با کبوتر باز با باز) 2-Knowledge is power.(توانا بود هرکه دانا بود) 3-To dance to a person's tune.(به ساز کسی رقصیدن) 4-No pains, no gians.(نابرده رنج گنج میسر نمی شود) 5-Silence gives consent.(سکوت علامت رضاست) 6-Make hay while the sun shine.(شانس یک بار در خونه آدم رو...
Where arewe heading?
جمعه 26 خردادماه سال 1391 17:34
The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints; we spend more, but have less; we buy more but enjoy it less. We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time; we have more degrees, but less sense; more...
Dadds blessing
جمعه 26 خردادماه سال 1391 17:29
A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted. As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car....